If I had a dollar for every time I've updated this text in the last few years, we would have been able to pay off our debt a lot faster! So here is the lowdown: I just love to share parts of my life on the blog, especially experiences that might help others live a better life! Welcome to my little home on the internet!

Read more about me here!

Five Day Money Makeover Challenge

Are you ready to give your finances a total makeover? Download my Five Day Money Makeover Challenge!

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five things on a friday

1. we have a huge enormous rummage sale this weekend at the church. we do this every year and it is one of our main fundraisers for the youth group at the church. we usually net around $1800-$2000 easily and all that money goes towards their summer mission trips to help offset the costs. i will be spending all day tomorrow walking around, resetting tables, selling junk to people who love junk, and trying really hard not to buy anything for myself.

welllll except for the brand new tummy time mat i snatched up as it was coming in the door. ;)

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2. this is brett (with the awesome high & tight) and ben. last week we got to welcome him home from afghanistan. he was returning from his final 14-month deployment and we are so so glad to have him home. brett and his wife caroline, along with their two sons jake and ben, are seriously some of the most awesome people you can ever dream of meeting. it was fun to stand at the airport - i got some good shots of them that i'm going to share soon.

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3. if you follow me on instagram you probably saw this already but i had to share again because it is that cool - we found a member's only jacket at the base exchange at barksdale afb in bossier city last weekend. it was seriously too cool not to buy. when the tag says "when you put it on, something happens.", you are kind of obligated, right?

and then when it rings up for $10 you do a really silly happy dance at the register. ;)

4. two really awesome career related things happened this week. first of all, i will be speaking at SNAP! i cannot even begin to tell you what this means to me in one tiny sentence but i will share more about it as i find out but holy crap. i will also get to meet a ton of my clients in the flesh at the conference. this has got me jumping up and down for joy man! :) i will be among the ranks of lisa, ceo of annie sloan chalk paint, lisa leonard, and brittany from pretty handy girl. i am stoked. plus i'm rooming with one of my best bloggy bffs and we are going to have oh so much fun. :)

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why yes - that is my face under michael from inspired by charm. i might have squealed a bit.

5. the other thing is that i've been seriously struggling with when to call it quits with my part time job. for a while now i have worked two-days-a-week at my office job and it's been not so fun. especially when i know my time is much better spent building my career as a soon-to-be-wahm (WAHM2B?) well lucky for me, when i struggle with making a decision, God usually jumps in and pulls the trigger for me. the owner came in and had a sit down with me and we discussed how this arrangement (me working part time, the other admin working part time, and how that was not working for the business at all) and he was trying to figure out what to do. i made it easy for him and told him to hire someone to replace me and i will put my notice in. i'm so thankful for how supportive he has been and all the ways he has been a big help to me by being supportive but at the same time, i am glad to be moving on and i feel a great sense of closure with how it happened.

so, basically, starting next tuesday, i will officially be totally, 100% self-employed. i have busted my ass to get to this place and i'm going to relish in every second of it. thanks to all of you guys who have pushed and helped and supported me along the way too. :)

how is your friday?


  1. What an awesome week!!! So many great things! God it so good to us!

  2. ahh Congrats, girl! You're a badass! I'm obsessed with your blog name. Too funny. I'm a new follower from the H54F linkup! I'm way jealz of the members only jacket ;)



  3. 1) I'm upset that you didn't snag the thigh buster & leotard for me. I just thought you should know that.
    2) YAY FOR SNAP!
    3) YAY FOR WAHM2B!


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