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bump update: week 20

last thursday we hit the halfway mark of our pregnancy and celebrated by taking some bump pictures!

earrings - the vintage pearl // necklace - lisa leonard // shirt - target // jeans - motherhood

pregnancy is finally getting fun and obvious so people know i'm pregnant by looking at me and seeing this bump which feels much bigger than it looks! i have made the transition to full time maternity pants but i'm still able to wear non-maternity shirts as long as they are long enough to cover the panel.

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i got these from motherhood and i love them. they are sturdy fabric and have a full panel which i love. i tried some partial panel pants and i just felt like i spent all day pulling them up. i have also invested in a nice gray dress and a few clearance liz lange shirts from target. i wish everyday clothes were as comfy and soft as maternity clothes.

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we finished our registries last week (one at target, one at amazon) and for the first time i felt an inkling of "i can so do this - look at all this stuff they make to help me out! i can definitely have a baby in the house" and it was nice to have a bit of confidence about it. mostly i've just felt scared and hopeless because i know absolutely n-o-t-hing about babies, bottles, breastfeeding, or wiping bums. but i've been talking to friends and reading as much as i can about everything i can so i'm getting there.

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i'm also learning to enjoy things day by day. from the very beginning i wanted to read ahead in my daily pregnancy update and see what would be happening next week but it totally freaked me out. (my baby loses its tail? it has a tail? and then it pees in me? no. i can't deal with that. gag) but i discovered if i took it one day at a time it helped me appreciate that i was growing a human inside of me and that every tiny development is such a neat thing and i am so appreciative of the blessing it is to get to experience it. some of my very best friends want this experience so much and haven't been able to make it happen yet and because of them i want to take every bit of it in and not take advantage of a single second.

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the baby still doesn't like eggs much, which makes me sad because i would shoot someone for an omelet loaded with ham, cheese, mushrooms, and jalapenos, but has found an affinity for apple juice of late. i'm drinking about a jug of apple juice every couple of days. its just so good and more satisfying than plain water. chris has also been such a trooper because i'm finally to the point where physical exertion really just wears me out and i have to make myself not overdo it. so he has been such an angel to carry the laundry baskets for me, slide ottomans around the living room, and pull me up out of the bathtub at night. (still have to have my nice bath to relax before bed!)

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so here we are, twenty weeks in and halfway there, and i feel like i've come so far but as a family we still have a long way to go too! oh. and to be completely honest, it is worth telling you that i edited and uploaded all these pictures with "17 weeks" and had the post nearly ready to go before i realized this are not, in fact, pictures of a 17 week old bump. oops. #pregnancypsychosis


  1. Girl, pregnancy looks so good on you!! I love that baby bump, adorable!! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!! xoxo


  2. Seriously, so cute. I can't get over it. And everyone says this, but it's really true on you--can't tell that you're pregnant from the front angle. You look gorgeous!!!

  3. Best line ever: "my baby loses its tail? it has a tail? and then it pees in me? no. i can't deal with that. gag"

    You are ADORABLE. I forget - are we finding out boy or girl before birth? If so, I need to know. Thanksomuch.

    1. Chris wanted our baby to KEEP ITS TAIL. There is something seriously wrong with my husband. lol


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