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inspiration thursday {week one}

it is no secret around these parts that i have a serious girl crush on maggie at gussy sews.

her newest project, inspiration workshop, has only multiplied my infatuation with her exponentially.

{my... that is a lot of big words in one sentence}

Gussy Sews Inspiration Workshop!

this weeks inspiration was something handmade that inspired you.

crocheted blankets

since i seem to have this new obsession with learning to crochet, i figure this picture that i found on pinterest {via this flikr page} is incredibly appropriate.

my mom loved to crochet and it is definitely a skill i would like to learn how to do. i love how soft the yarn is and how warm the blankets are... and if i can ever finish the blanket she started it will totally make my heart swell to wrap my future children up in it and snuggle them.

i can only dream right now of doing something this elaborate and beautiful given that i don't even know how to properly hold crocheting needles at this point. but i have already received some great advice {thanks cassie!} so i am one step closer to getting the courage to start up! :)

what inspires you? make sure to head over to see tons of inspiration today at gussy sews!


  1. Oh, how I wish I could crochet! If only I had more hours in each day to pick up all the new things I'd love to do.:)

  2. I have always wanted to learn. SOmeday I will. Your photo was the first one I wanted to click on! LOVE it!

  3. i wish i could crochet as well. my grammy used to crochet all the time.

  4. You can do it!! My grandma taught me the basics (chain stitch, single & double crochet) when I was about 4 or 5. Then I picked up a book and taught myself more when I was in my late 20's. Then later I learned to knit, also from a book. I don't do either a lot...but it is fun to turn a ball/skein of yarn into something useful!

  5. Your welcome! =D and you can do it, I know you can. I'll try and give you anymore help you need. Just let me know. =D

  6. I love to crochet, though I've not had the time to do it in quite a while... it is so relaxing and you'd be amazed at what you could create with a few simple knots and a crochet hook! I think you should give it a try!

  7. I LOVE to crochet. My grandmother taught me when I was 14, and I've never stopped. I've done tons of blankets, wash cloths, hot pads, etc... I definitely think it's a skill worth learning!


  8. Oh my that blanket is gorgeous! I love seeing what other people can do. It's always is so inspiring!

    Came over from Gussy Sews. Now following!

  9. Your inspiration is inspiring me! Oh, I love granny square blankets! I've never made a whole blanket, but I would looove to! Crochet is really fun! You're going to enjoy it! Have you see Granny Square 101 at Meet Me At Mike's?!


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