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{fun friday} picture frame fun!

hoooray! it is friday and i am so happy about that! anyone have any big exciting plans for the weekend? we are going to see the inlaws on saturday and then having dinner with some friends saturday night. i can't wait for some time to hang with friends :) 

last week i whipped up a cute little picture frame for my mother-in-law for her birthday. i wanted to make it into a holder for all her earrings but, as you will see, that did not work out. but i really like the finished product and i know she will love it too! 

i started with a thrift store frame that i snagged at goodwill for $1! i put a couple of coats of my favorite blue paint (baby blue by americana).

i took the back of the frame and wrapped it in burlap and hot glued the edges down.

my intentions were to then wrap it in chicken wire to give her something to hang the earrings on.

lets just say that chicken wire has sharp pointy edges, it was dark outside and i wasn't about to walk down to the shop and find some work gloves. so i abandoned that idea and went searching through my scrapbook supplies to come up with something..

tada! chipboard letters!

i thought for a while about what to put on there. i finally came up with the phrase "de colores" which translates to "of the colors." it is a song that we both learned at a three day women's retreat called Walk to Emmaus. click here to learn all about it! yay for the Emmaus plug! :) 

so i hot glued the letters on there. and then i put the back into the frame. but it was looking a little nekked... so i used this tutorial from my sparkle to make some rolled roses for the corner.

basically you cut a length of fabric, burlap in my case, and fold it in half. i ironed it to help me be able to hold it.

you know what makes a brilliant iron when you don't feel like going to the trouble of getting your out? 

yep - this baby did a lot of hard work that night. :) (also good for ironing a front seam on pants in a pinch too!)

anyhoo you roll the fabric tight to begin with...

and then you turn it away from you and continue to roll them using hot glue or fabric glue every little bit... turn and roll... glue!  turn and roll.. glue! leave about an inch to cover the bottom and hot glue it over. 

until it looks like this!

then i cut off all the little strings and was left with this. i made two more and hot glued them up in the corner (which is what the first picture is of... but here it is again for your viewing pleasure!)

and here is the final product! 

i love that it is all colorful and the blue frame will go well with their new bathroom! :) 
happy birthday momma-in-law! you are the best!

linking up!

Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap 
 up           party!


  1. It turned out so cute! I bet she loved it. Great tip on using a hair straightener in a pinch - I will do just about anything to avoid taking out my iron. :)

  2. very cute and crafty! i totally love that you used your straightener to iron. does it work on clothes? hmm.

  3. Hi Skye- your comment made me laugh! Thanks for stopping by! Good luck on the giveaway!

  4. What a sweet gift... and I love those flowers!!


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