If I had a dollar for every time I've updated this text in the last few years, we would have been able to pay off our debt a lot faster! So here is the lowdown: I just love to share parts of my life on the blog, especially experiences that might help others live a better life! Welcome to my little home on the internet!

Read more about me here!

Five Day Money Makeover Challenge

Are you ready to give your finances a total makeover? Download my Five Day Money Makeover Challenge!

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the quotable dave {2}

hello! i am working on a series of posts during our journey to financial freedom via the dave ramsey financial peace road. this is the second week - if you would like to read about the first week click here! :)

i am reminded of the old saying that the safest way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket.

we have been on this road for about 2 1/2 weeks. my husband and i sat down, wrote out a budget and went from there. we haven't implemented the debt snowball yet but we are planning on starting it in march. so, in that sense, we haven't seen much progress.

however, our attitude towards money and the handling of finances in general has changed dramatically. we did not go out to eat for two entire weeks. two entire weeks. that is mind blowing to me! we packed our lunches every day and ate dinner at home every night. i was so afraid that i would feel strapped down and oppressed by this need to save money. but the entire opposite occured. i felt completely liberated. i realized at the end of these two weeks that we weren't punishing ourselves by not eating out! we were rewarding ourselves by doing this. we may not see the reward today but i can feel it already!

all broke people think there is a short cut and the rich, who remain rich, know differently.

on our way to eat dinner out for the first time (where we only spent $15 and i felt a little strange using my debit card...) we drove through the gorgeous garden district in monroe. I am in love with every house on every corner in that neighborhood. my dream is to own an old garden district home and love it and live in it and retire in it. and as we were driving through, i felt closer to that dream than ever before. in the past it seemed so far off, so unattainable. but now that we have gained control over our finances and our student loans will not will not be looming over our heads until we die, i know that we will be able to do that one day. and that is a really good feeling.

if you haven't met dave ramsey or heard of his books, seminars and radio show i sincerely invite you to join me. please check back next week. i will be showing my budget (numbers and all - the cold, hard, ugly facts) and one of the easy ways we are using to see where our money goes each month.

disclaimer: i am not in any way affiliated with dave ramsey and there are just my honest opinions. i am not endorsed (ha - wouldnt that be nice!) and he has no clue who i am, no matter how many times a day i tweet him. i just think he has the right idea and think you should join in. all phrases in italics are from financial pease, revisited.


  1. I have read his book and I really want to take the Financial Peace University at our church! Thanks for the quotes!

  2. Hi, Skye -- thank you so much for visiting Blessings of a Lifetime and leaving ME such a sweet comment! I came on over to see what you were up to today and read that you and your hubby are tackling Dave Ramsey. YOU CAN DO THIS! You really, really CAN. I will pray for you to remain fortified -- it's definitely not easy but it will be SOOO worth it! Bless you! - Jill

  3. Dave Ramsey's own home is the biggest motivation for me to save and work hard!

    You will enjoy this profile on Dave Ramsey’s $10M 13,000sf home we did recently…

    His monthly electric bill is $1,285!


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