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bump update: 25 weeks

i'm convinced that the best accessory for a baby bump is an allora handmade necklace. it just goes so well with everything and seriously i want to wear it all the time. i'm so sad that she is going out of business. :(

necklace - allora handmade // top - gap (not maternity) // jeans - target maternity // bracelets - threads, horsefeather gifts and a coworker (@guitarpkr76)

dear alissa - i have worn this outfit twice since blissdom. i feel like a stylish rock star in it. thank you for reinforcing that! :)

i'm starting to feel streeeeetched out like stretch armstrong and habitually slather on lotions, creams, and potions, and have yet to see a stretch mark so i am keeping my fingers, toes, and other appendages crossed on that front.

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(monica, this photo is for you)

these were taken the thursday after blissdom and i am not even going to lie. i photoshopped out the enormous bags under my eyes because they were so so bad. no shame. blissdom was lots of fun and i have a lot to say about it but i've been busy catching up with work so i'm holding off on posting my recap post until next week. i could say that i'm still processing but the real reason is that i'm lazy and don't feel like doing it yet. ;)

i am having a shower this weekend (yay sooo fun!) and cannot wait to spend some time with my friends. honestly i'd rather just have that than all the baby things but i suppose i do need some stuff. i've been so super lucky to have many friends and family hook me up with their supply of cloth diapers and/or cloth diaper supplies. i'm actually excited about doing it.

can someone just pinch me? i am excited about cloth diapers. #whoami?

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this picture is fuzzy. how did i not notice this before?

anywho - i'm excited to be putting the final touches on my first ever ebook. we are launching it sooooooo soon and i can't wait to share it with you here. because it is awesome. want a sneak peek? visit better mom shots to learn a little about it. i'm so proud of it!

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so this picture. i went to prom as a freshman (woot! got asked one week before by mr. most likely to go to seminary) and my mom was so stoked that her baby was going to senior prom. (what was she thinking exactly?) so i'm all dolled up , hair in this ridiculous up do and wearing way too much makeup for a 14 year old and she is taking three million pictures of me. i finally got fed up with "please just one more" and i make this lovely face for her and she snapped a picture. and literally it is one of my favorite pictures of all time. it is framed in the living room and it is such a great representation of me. so any time i am taking pictures this is a must have shot. i have it from my high school graduation, college graduation, engagement pictures, wedding pictures, and most recently from the headshots i had done at blissdom by my sweet friend/client monica. i can't wait to share those with you too :)

what has everyone been up to? i'm ready for june to roll around - we literally have something planned just about every weekend between now and then. it's going to be a busy a couple of months! :)


  1. You are precious! I love that you are excited about cloth diapers. ;) and I love the animated faces in these photos. And finally, I love that you photoshopped your eyes. ;)

  2. You look great!!! I can't wait to see that bump for REAL! I wanted to try cloth diapers this time around but it just didn't happen. I knwo what you mean about wishing it was June - me too!

  3. oh my goodness, that necklace is AMAZING. you look stunning! Great post, love. If you a get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest. xo

  4. you are so cute!! i'm 25 weeks pregnant too! I always love finding others that are due around the same time as me. congrats on your baby!!!

  5. Hi! found you on a linkup! I’m a new follower!

  6. Hey Friend!!!! You look amazing. I'm so happy for you.

  7. gorgeous. absolutely gorgeous -- enjoy the glow (& the stretching with purpose; growing a baby!!). ;)


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