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101 ways to show love
{fun for valentine's day!}

we hosted a human sexuality and morality seminar over the weekend for the senior high youth in our youth group. that in itself deserves its own post - having a room full of teenagers talking about God's design for sex is not only encouraging it is highly entertaining - but one of the handouts the teacher provided was really, really cool.

regardless of your relationship status, finding ways to show someone you love them can be a little tricky, especially when you feel like you've already done everything in the book. so here are 101 ways to show someone you love them (without doin the deed - lol... that i what the handout says). try some of these out with your spouse, best friend, sister - anyone you want to share love with!

1. tell the other person you love them
2. give or get a hug
3. make the other person feel important and respected
4. hold hands
5. go for a long bike ride
6. give a special gift
7. be there when a friend is needed
8. kiss
9. have fun together
10. tell the other person that you care
11. spend time together
12. go to a movie
13. walk arm in arm in the woods
14. make a special tape of love songs (mix tape! snort!)
15. talk openly about your feelings
16. share dreams with each other
17. snuggle up together
18. sit together in the park
19. take a walk together
20. go out to eat
21. have a picnic
22. play a game of frisbee
23. give compliments
24. relax in a whirlpool
25. go swimming
26. just be close
27. go grocery shopping
28. cook a meal together
29. touch each other in a loving way
30. do homework together
31. plan and go on a road trip
32. throw a party together
33. bake cookies
34. go to the library
35. browse in a museum together
36. just be there
37. find out what is special for the other person and do it
38. exercise together
39. gaze at each other
40. wash each others cars
41. go fishing
42. talk to each other
43. listen to hurts
44. do a work project together
45. choose a special, favorite song
46. listen to joys
47. hold one another close
48. use eye contact to share a private thought
49. write each other letters
50. talk on the telephone
51. trust one another
52. give or receive a promise ring
53. meet each others family
54. go hiking together
55. make sacrifices for each other
56. send candy
57. respect each other
58. go for a moonlight walk
59. hide a love note where the other person will find it
60. give each other sexy looks
61. write a poem
62. send flowers
63. eat dinner by candlelight
64. go to a concert
65. watch the sunrise together
66. take a drive together
67. give each other pet names
68. go sightseeing
69. rent a video
70. do things for each other without being asked
71. propose marriage
72. whisper something nice into the others ear
73. be best friends
74. take a carriage ride through the park
75. go out dancing
76. play music together
77. flirt with each other
78. laugh at something funny together
79. be faithful
80. impress each other
81. make a list of things you like about each other
82. read a book and discuss it
83. meet each others friends
84. go horseback riding
85. cook each others favorite foods
86. find out what makes the other happy
87. make each other gifts
88. be caring
89. watch the sunset
90. give diamonds
91. dedicate a song on the radio
92. send a funny card
93. share lifetime goals with each other
94. play footsie
95. share private jokes
96. think about each other
97. find out what makes the other sad
98. go skating
99. trade class rings
100. share an ice cream cone
101. have your picture taken together

i know that some of these are cheesy and maybe even a little weird but when was the last time you took a few minutes to do one of these little things to show someone you loved them? a lot of the parents (who attend a compulsory parent meeting before the seminar) loved this handout and said they were stealing it from their kiddo when they brought it home. i thought it would be fun to share for valentine's day!

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