If I had a dollar for every time I've updated this text in the last few years, we would have been able to pay off our debt a lot faster! So here is the lowdown: I just love to share parts of my life on the blog, especially experiences that might help others live a better life! Welcome to my little home on the internet!

Read more about me here!

Five Day Money Makeover Challenge

Are you ready to give your finances a total makeover? Download my Five Day Money Makeover Challenge!

Download your Challenge Here!

Five Day Money Makeover Challenge

If you need a kick start to your finances, the Five Day Money Makeover Challenge is a great tool to help you do that. I wanted to share a little more about it today and give you the change to download it, for FREE! Read on Budget Besties!

Five Day Money Makeover Challenge

Sometimes when you need to make a big, huge change in your life, the hardest thing to do is to just start. No matter what that thing is, it can seem totally insurmountable if you look at it as a whole piece. It can be super easy to just say, nah - nevermind - we will figure it out later. And then you just never get around to later and you look up in five years and that small hill has now turned in to a mountain.

If you start to look at a huge task in pieces, and eat that elephant one bite at a time, rather than the whole thing at once, it starts to feel so much more manageable. But, think about eating an elephant. I mean, where would one even think to start? Yikes - that is a lot to take on, even one bite at a time.

The science behind a kick start program is really interesting to me. Most of the time, we will walk away from any major lifestyle changes (losing weight, starting a workout regime, getting out of debt, taking on a big project at work) because we simply don't feel equipped to even start working on it.

But - if we are able to do five-seven very simple things that give us the tools, just enough information, and a sizeable result, we are more likely to feel like we can take on the big, insurmountable task.

And that is why I created the Five Day Money Makeover Challenge. 

A lot of people just really have absolutely no grasp of their finances at all. That was us, not very long ago. And it is a hell of a scary place to be. Not knowing if you'll have enough money to pay your rent or buy groceries, collectors calling on the daily, credit cards getting declined... It can be a frightening place to exist in and one that feels like there is no light at the end of this long tunnel.

So I thought about some of the first things I did when we decided to take control of our finances and put them together in one place for you - oh yes, you there! - to give you the tools you need to take back control of your financial. And that sense of control is paramount in a financial journey.

Once you have control over your money, even before you really do anything to change the trajectory of it, it gives you such a sense of peace and releases that weight you didn't even know was on your back!

Here's what is included in the challenge:

Day One: Spending Freeze! 
Don't worry - it is only for a few short days to give your checkbook time to cool off and all your current outstanding transactions to clear so you can start from an accurate place!

Day Two: Financial Feels
Spending money should come with an emotional transaction as well as a financial transaction. Let's talk about your financial feels.

Day Three: Income Evaluation
Are you bringing home every dollar that you're earning? If not, does it get sent to things that correlate with your goals?

Day Four: Where Is Your Money Going?
Do you even know? (Pssst: until I underwent this little challenge, I had NO CLUE! There were months that we spent more than our rent on eating out. Yikes.) You need to know where your money is going so you can take control of it and make sure it is working hard for you!

Day Five: Financial Goals
It is impossible to give your money a useful job if you do not have a goal you are working towards! I'll help you walk through naming those goals so you can put your money to work!

Do you need this challenge?

The best news of all is that this challenge is 100% free - all you have to do is download it and get started! Here's the deal though - I can't do the work for you soooooo you do have to commit to the five days. But the end result is worth WAYYY more than the time it will take to do each task.

They are literally 15 minutes or less.

So what are you waiting for? Download your free challenge TODAY and get started!

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