If I had a dollar for every time I've updated this text in the last few years, we would have been able to pay off our debt a lot faster! So here is the lowdown: I just love to share parts of my life on the blog, especially experiences that might help others live a better life! Welcome to my little home on the internet!

Read more about me here!

Five Day Money Makeover Challenge

Are you ready to give your finances a total makeover? Download my Five Day Money Makeover Challenge!

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8 Questions

1. What is your favorite holiday and how do you celebrate it?

I think my favorite holiday would have to be Christmas. This Christmas will be especially hard since Mom is gone, but I know if we can get through this one it will get easier every year after that. In my family we celebrate by going to a candlelight service at church and then watching White Christmas and drinking hot chocolate. In Chris' family they also attend church and watch A Christmas Story (over and over and over again on TBS!!!) This year we are going to Georgia to see my Auntie Kay and her family for Christmas. I don't know what Christmas will be like this year... Just praying for the best. :)

2. Who was your favorite teacher, why?

My favorite teacher was my high school journalism teacher, Mrs. Suzanne Bardwell. She took one look at me my freshman year, figured out my last name (which was Hawthorne) and realized I was related to Bobby Hawthorne. If you are not from Texas... Bobby Hawthorne is a journalism guru here. He's been published. Google him, especially if you are a Texas football fan. :) So she just assumed that I had the gift of journalistic writing. So I just assumed the same. I was never really gifted in that area but she pushed me to be a writer and I did excel at it. She taught me more about life than anyone else. She was full of zeal for all things beautiful and had a heart for Christ which is something I wished I had learned more of from her. She is an amazing woman!!

3. What should your parents have named you besides your real name?

Princess Consuela Banana Hammock.

Just kidding. I don't think I could come up with a better name than Skye. My mother was an old soul... a "hippie" if you will. She wrote in her journal while she was pregnant with me that the name Skye reminded her of freshly cut grass on a football field. I think she was referring to a different kind of grass, but who knows! :)

4. What do you hope will be different about next year than this one?

My hope is to be a better friend and be more supportive of my husband's ministry.

5. What is a lesson you have learned from an ex?

I learned that in order to be in a real, adult relationship you have to care about and support someone through the good and the bad. My ex was emotionally unavailable through a really rough point in my life and I realized then that relationships are intended to support you in times of need and he didn't do that. I got rid of him. PRONTO. :) It was the best decision I ever made.

6. Do you have a specific moment that you realized you're an adult now?

Very specific: when we signed the papers on our first house and saw that dollar amount on the truth-in-lending statement. WHEW! It was a little scary!

7. What is a skill you wish you had?

I wish I could sing and play an instrument. I would seriously sing my way through life.

8. What makes you feel beautiful?

Those 30 or so minutes after a really intense workout when I feel healthy and like I am taking care of myself. Or when the sun hits my hair just right and it sparkles. Or when my husband gets that little glazed over look on his face like when he said he would spend the rest of his life with me. It's nice to know he still sees the woman he married when he looks at me! :)

1 comment:

  1. My sweet Skye...on days when I wonder was my time well spent in public education, you are one of the treasures I reflect upon.
    Thank you for your kind words. They blessed me.
    I think of you and your family often.


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