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Mason Jars

I could fund a small rebellion if I sold my Mason Jars. The problem is, I don't want to!

They have come from all different places. I bought 3 or 4 dozen to make Christmas presents with last year. I have used canned goods that have been given to me by family and friends. I decided that I wanted to be a gardener and grow green beans and jalapenos and can them, so I bought 3 or 4 more dozen. Then I inherited about, oh 20 or 30 dozen, from the husband's Grammie.

And, on top of that, I think they are breeding and taking over the garage. Every time I turn around there is another box labeled "Mason Jars - Skye" or "Canning Jars" or "Please Knock - We are Making Baby Mason's in Here."

It has become quite apparent to me that since I cannot even keep an ivy plant alive (which I have been told are the easiest plants to take care of) that I will not be a gardener. So, I will not be using these Mason jars to can bumper crops of tomatoes, refrigerator pickles, green beans or bread & butter jalapeno peppers. Yes - they are as delicious as they sound!!

So I scoured the internet at work (praying they don't fire me before I can quit) for pictures of Mason jars doing double duty. I was surprised to find that a lot of people out there share my obsession with them!

This is an obvious one, if you ask me. Candles make a really great addition to any decoration and the mason jars just give it a little extra character. I also love that these are in an old rusty milk container. Cute!

What a pretty light fixture! Wouldn't this be great over a sink or a little reading nook? Just enough light and filtered through the glass to.
This one makes me want to cover my laundry room door in painted 2 x 4s and cover it with Mason jars. I have no idea what I would put in them but wow! Just the visual effect would awesome!

I love the straws. What a great idea for a outdoor sweltering summer cocktail party.

I love the scratchy lables on these. Wouldn't that be a cute idea for a placemarker on a table and then fill it with a candle or maybe some Kickin Krackers for a nice little party favor?

Buffet anyone? Put silverware already wrapped in napkins at the end of a buffet line, fill one with wet naps, use it to put the servingware in to save the tablecloth and minimize messes, toothpicks, the list could be endless!

Along with my large collection of Mason jars, I also have quite a few biscuit cutters. But, in a pinch, this would do just fine!

Love love love. I can see these lining the brick on the back of my house after we get our deck built giving perfect mood lighting to one of the many soirees I plan on having out there.

Nothing says "Hi, I'm from the South!" more than a cold, wet glass of sweet iced tea out of a Mason jar. It is most definitely a Southern staple.

Now I know why I didn't register for a trifle dish when we got married! Why would you want to be all formal when you could serve your layered dessert or salad in such a sweet little jar? SWOON!

Yes, this will be the first project my husband will complete once we get the wood working shop together. If you come to my house next summer, expect to see one of these hanging from my new porch roof. The end.

This will also be on my buffet table with hand sanitizer in it, and in my bathroom with soap, and in my kitchen with dish detergent, and in my bedroom with lotion, and.....

Do you have any ideas??


  1. I literally laughed out loud at your "please knock.." comment! Too funny. Great post with some amazing ideas. I am loving the cute 7 layer salad in a jar idea and am totally stealing that one!

  2. I think the jars hanging on the wall are best. Like you, I'm not too sure what would belong in there, but they look so cool.
    And I need to echo Beth - "please knock" was priceless :)

  3. These are such great ideas!

    I have vases leftover from our wedding (2 years ago) that I think are breeding too! I've been using them for various things and thought I had used most of them...and then found two full boxes!

  4. Wow! Those the ideas! My mom has a million and wants to throw them away - thanks for sharing!

  5. I love the use of your mason jars! Such good ideas and such pretty pictures!


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