If I had a dollar for every time I've updated this text in the last few years, we would have been able to pay off our debt a lot faster! So here is the lowdown: I just love to share parts of my life on the blog, especially experiences that might help others live a better life! Welcome to my little home on the internet!

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Butterscotch Pudding

Nothing makes my husband happier but a big, thick, rich & delicious bowl of butterscotch pudding. I mean, really, who could pass that up? So while he was at choir practice tonight, I went ahead and whipped some up for him to show my appreciation for his never-ending hard work this week on neuva casa matters... and I took pictures to prove it.

Here is what the dogs did after "Daddy" left:
So here is my version of homemade butterscotch pudding....
What? I made it at home... and with love! Same difference!
First you combine the powder with 2 cups of milk:
Then you get out your pretty wedding dessert dishes that you don't manage to use for anything else... 
Next, you see how the pudding box looks with the dishes so you can practice taking pictures...
Now, get back to the pudding! The box says to stir constantly. So obviously, I pulled out my third arm and hand so that I could take all these pictures while I continually stirred the pudding in the pot.
It will get really really smooth and start to leave a trail behind the spatula (or whisk, or spork, or boat paddle, whatever you have lying around) and it will glisten like buttah baby...
Yummm! Next bring it to a full rolling boil. In case you wondered, it looks kind of like this:
It slightly resembles porridge in a pot and blubbles more than it bubbles...
Anyways... Remove from heat and carefully pour it into aforementioned dessert dishes. The box says it makes 4-1/2 cup servings, but what the heck. I split it in two:
Then stick it in your fridge to set up. The box says you can serve it warm but... Eew. Really? 
Don't forget to run very hot water in the pot, lest you be scrubbing it for hours later:
Now... Wait patiently for hubby to get home from practice before eating it...
Keep waiting....
and waiting.....

Hubby's surprised face when he opened the fridge:
Priceless! :)


  1. absolutely fabulous! You have way to much time on your hands!!!!! rinots!

  2. Finding your favorite treat in the fridge... Priceless. The look says it all.

    ~ Yaya
    Yaya's Changing World

  3. What a sweet wife!! Butterscotch pudding sounds delicious, box or scratch!

  4. Aww I love your husband's surprised expression and I bet he ate every last drop of that yummy pudding! Of course you know I love the photo of those sweet pups waiting patiently for their daddy's return!

    Kat :)


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